“I want to become a pilot, when I grow up”
This answer was given by 9 year old Alisha when asked by her class teacher on what would she like to become when she grows up. Like Alisha, there are a hundred-and-fifty such children in the small village school of rural Kashmir who have been given an opportunity to study and realize their dreams and live a ‘normal’ everyday life like any child of their age.
And this has been achieved through a strict and rigorous implementation of our primary and most paramount principle of NO-CHILD labor in our work-places. Right from the onset of our business, we have single-mindedly pursued this path and have set a precedent for the entire carpet industry in India to follow.
We believe that children are the very future of humanity and we must nurture them with utmost responsibility and care that helps them in fulfilling their aspirations in the best possible way. We believe that children should be building plastic toy-blocks and not carrying bricks in the harsh sun on their small heads. We believe that children should be playing soccer in this age and not stitching soccer balls for grown-ups. And we do believe that children should be spinning yarns of magical stories and tales as pastime and not weaving carpets in dimly-lit workshops for others to walk on.
It is this singular concern that has made our company a pioneer in this NO-CHILD labor approach and we are extremely proud of our endeavor in this regard. We unequivocally declare that ALL our products are made without any kind of child-labor right from the pre-manufacturing stage to the final point of display in our stores. All our workers are adult (above 21 years) and work without any kind of pressure, coercion or force and a majority of them have been a part of our company for more than two decades.
Managing Partner's Pledge:

Our Dictum: To bring joy, happiness and color in the lives of children through education, healthcare and parental support and to provide a platform to innumerable children like Alisha in achieving their high-flying dreams of tomorrow!